(208) 473-2717
Need Some Pep in Your Step?

Need Some Pep in Your Step?

Perhaps you’ve had a recent fall or a near miss or aren’t moving as much as you would like this winter. Aging, injuries, stiffness, and being cooped up indoors can slow us down. The good news is there’s room to improve! Did you know that walking speed can predict the...
Helping Patients Lead Fuller Lives

Helping Patients Lead Fuller Lives

Helping Patients Lead Fuller Lives Helping Patients Lead Fuller Lives Living life to the fullest means something different to each of us. A long, healthy, happy life filled with family and adventures is all anyone can ever ask for. To achieve this, we usually need a...
Mental Health Support for Seniors at Home

Mental Health Support for Seniors at Home

  Mental Health Support for Seniors at Home The mental health of seniors living at home is particularly at risk during this challenging time. Social isolation, changes in lifestyle routines, decreased physical activity, and financial concerns can add to already...
Tips for Improving Home Accessibility

Tips for Improving Home Accessibility

Tips for Improving Home Accessibility As a home health and hospice agency that specializes in providing geriatric healthcare, it is important to make sure that clients are living in homes that are as accessible as possible. Poorly maintained and unsafe living...